A True Story Told While Using English Food Idioms


The thing about food idioms, a true story, for ELT & ESL readers:

Remember people telling you there is no such thing as a free lunch? They tell us this is a pie in the sky idea.
Well, I just got evidence to the contrary. I received an e-mail coupon for online ordering for two free dishes from a local restaurant. First I thought they are full of beans!
But I ordered and the apple of my eye picked them up. I have to confess that I usually don’t eat out for lunch because this could eat us out of house and home!
I was hungry as a bear. The wait time as slow as molasses in January.
The food was wonderful and FREE. Unfortunately, it was a very small serving so I ate like a bird.
I am thinking this will be my one lifetime example for a free lunch. So, in a nutshell, eat crow, you nay sayers! I guess,it is worth your salt to check out online offers.
For dessert, I would like a cake and then eat it, too.

The end

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