TESOL Technology Standards

PPT by Standards author

Blog with personal interaction by author:


Actual standards:

Introducing the new TESOL Technology Standards


Deborah Healey, Ph.D.

Oregon State University



Gleaned from practice and research, the TESOL Technology Standards provide clear guidance and baseline standards for technology use in English language teaching, and are designed to be applicable to teachers and students at a range of English proficiency levels in a wide range of classroom settings around the world.


International Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is currently developing a set of technology standards to help students, teachers, teacher educators, and administrators understand the use of digital technology in language teaching. The Standards are based in part on work by the ISTE – the National Educational Teaching Standards for primary and secondary schools in the US; ACTFL; ICT4ELT; and from articles by Phil Hubbard, Greg Kessler, and others. The Standards are designed to clarify appropriate uses of and best practices in CALL in diverse settings around the world.


The Standards framework document consists of several parts:

  • An introduction that provides an overview of the aims and rationale for these Standards, including relevant research
  • Standards for Language Learners, including three overarching goals, each with three to five standards for a total of 11 standards; performance objectives for each standard; and a sample vignette for each goal
  • Standards for Language Teachers, including four overarching goals, each with three to five standards for a total of 15 standards; performance objectives for each standard; and a sample vignette for each goal
  • A glossary of terms used
  • Descriptors for the English proficiency levels in the Standards


This session will present highlights from the Technology Standards framework document. Participants will be asked to reflect on how the Standards fit – or not – in their institutions and offer feedback. Participants will also be encouraged to work individually or in small groups to create vignettes based on their own situations that would help clarify the Standards and how they can be applied. The presenter is a member of the TESOL Technology Standards Task Force and will take participant comments back to the Task Force for use in the full volume of the Standards. The full volume is expected to include more vignettes and additional recommendations for implementation of the Standards.


A basic list of the Technology Standards should be available shortly at http://www.tesol.org/TechStandards. An earlier version was posted there – email me if you don’t see the latest version by next week sometime.


Summary of the Goals and Standards



Goal 1: Language learners demonstrate foundational knowledge and skills in technology for a multilingual world.

Standard 1: Language learners demonstrate basic operational skills in using various technological tools and Internet browsers.

Standard 2: Language learners are able to use available input and output devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse, printer, headset, microphone, media player, electronic whiteboard).

Standard 3: Language learners exercise appropriate caution when using online sources and when engaging in electronic communication.

Standard 4: Language learners demonstrate basic competence as users of technology.


Goal 2: Language learners use technology in socially and culturally appropriate, legal, and ethical ways.

Standard 1: Language learners understand that communication conventions differ across cultures, communities, and contexts.

Standard 2: Language learners demonstrate respect for others in their use of private and public information.


Goal 3. Language learners effectively use and critically evaluate technology-based tools as aids in the development of their language learning competence as part of formal instruction and for further learning.

Standard 1: Language learners effectively use and evaluate available technology-based productivity tools.

Standard 2: Language learners appropriately use and evaluate available technology-based language skill-building tools.

Standard 3: Language learners appropriately use and evaluate available technology-based tools for communication and collaboration.

Standard 4: Language learners use and evaluate available technology-based research tools appropriately.

Standard 5: Language learners recognize the value of technology to support autonomy, lifelong learning, creativity, metacognition, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.



Goal 1. Language teachers acquire and maintain foundational knowledge and skills in technology for professional purposes.

Standard 1: Language teachers demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic technological concepts and operational competence, meeting or exceeding TESOL technology standards for students in whatever situation they teach.

Standard 2: Language teachers demonstrate an understanding of a wide range of technology supports for language learning and options for using them in a given setting.

Standard 3: Language teachers actively strive to expand their skill and knowledge base to evaluate, adopt, and adapt emerging technologies throughout their careers.

Standard 4: Language teachers use technology in socially and culturally appropriate, legal, and ethical ways.


Goal 2. Language teachers integrate pedagogical knowledge and skills with technology to enhance language teaching and learning

Standard 1: Language teachers identify and evaluate technological resources and environments for suitability to their teaching context.

Standard 2: Language teachers coherently integrate technology into their pedagogical approaches.

Standard 3: Language teachers design and manage language learning activities and tasks using technology appropriately to meet curricular goals and objectives.

Standard 4: Language teachers use relevant research findings to inform the planning of language learning activities and tasks that involve technology.


Goal 3. Language teachers apply technology in record-keeping, feedback, and assessment.

Standard 1: Language teachers evaluate and implement relevant technology to aid in effective learner assessment.

Standard 2: Language teachers use technological resources to collect and analyze information in order to enhance language instruction and learning.

Standard 3: Language teachers evaluate the effectiveness of specific student uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Goal 4. Language teachers use technology to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency

Standard 1: Language teachers use communication technologies to maintain effective contact and collaboration with peers, students, administration, and other stakeholders.

Standard 2: Language teachers regularly reflect on the intersection of professional practice and technological developments so that they can make informed decisions regarding the use of technology to support language learning and communication.

Standard 3: Language teachers apply technology to improve efficiency in preparing for class, grading, and maintaining records.



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